Age: 26 years old
Country: Malaysia
Joined Pico: June 2010
About Me: I love to read books and magazines because I learn a lot of interesting things this way. I also enjoy listening to music after a long day to help me relax.
My Pico Life: When I joined Pico I met sweet_mom and read Picostyle blog and liked everything sweet_mom and her friends were writing about. Everybody should read the blog and join Pico. It's a lot of fun!
sweet_mom's Comments: asuka is one of my very best friends. We met since the very first time I joined Pico. She is a very caring, sweet young lady ... very dear to my heart. Thanks for your friendship!

Age: 18 years old
Country: United States
Joined Pico: June/July
About Me: I like to chat and talk to my cousins on Pico - vietazn| and |||Katsume|||.
My Pico Life: What I like about Pico is playing and earning gummies. I also like traveling, getting new stuff and a pet.
sweet_mom's Comments: Thank you, laura 119272. You were the first one to accept my invitation for this new project.

Age: 14 years old
Country: United States
Joined Pico: June 2010
About Me: The Beatles are my favorite band. My inspiration and role model is Audrey Hepburn. I'm involved in many things at my school, such as Student Council and I love to read in my spare time. I wish to become a pediatrician when I graduate because I love working with little kids.
My Pico Life: Pico is a wonderful place to meet people all around the world. I've met so many wonderful Picos that share the same likes as me. It makes me sad that I am not able to log on as often as I wish because of school. One of my favorite things is that my mom (sweet_mom) is able to share this experience with me.
sweet_mom's Comments: Love you, my sweet angel!

Age: 32 years old
Country: Philippines
Joined Pico: June/July 2010
About Me: Now ... I am here in Japan working. Soon (next year) I will be back in my native country. I love to travel the world. I am very much an outdoor person. I love to be a friend and even [meet people of other nationalities]. My hobbies are Pico games, watching movies and TV, reading FHM, making friends.
My Pico Life: I like Pico 'cause I meet any friends around the world ... event just a little Pico world. I also like to travel to different places here in Pico, visit my Pico buddies rooms, exchanging ideas, life experiences and a lot more. I also like playing Reversi and the new Dual Math Battle, and to dress in fashion.
sweet_mom's Comments: Thanks so much for accepting my invitation. You are a real sweetheart. :-D
Thank you to this week's "cute Picos".
Cute Picos Wall is by request only.
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