Saturday, January 8, 2011

Goodbye L'Heure Bleue ஐ

Once again I see one of my Pico family members fly away into the blue Pico sky. This time my LITTLE PRINCESS L'Heure Bleue.

Sadly due to her school and other things going on in her life, she has decided to resign from our blog.
But I am very proud of her; her decision to give 100% to school is very wise indeed. Remember, my dear Picos, EDUCATION COMES FIRST!

She is an excellent writer and I strongly encourage her to continue writing anywhere she decides to go.
Thank you so much my sweet L'Heure Bleue  for your contribution to the blog. It was a great honor having you as part of my Pico Perfect Family.

Thankfully my good friend Catero is not planning on going anywhere and together we will keep writing for you my wonderful Picos.

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