I wait, patiently for my angel to return,
but as days go by, I come to the realization
that my angel might be forever gone.
I hold on tight to hope, but it seems useless.
It's like trying to catch the wind in my hand,
It just slips away...
All hope... is almost gone
All my tears... are almost done
For crying is useless to silent ears.
How can I hold on to sand or water,
When all it wants to do is to slip away.
How can I hold on to promises of forever yours,
when forever might have meant... just for a while.
All that is left to do is...
love you forever, for forever, I meant for you,
when all hope is almost gone....

My Pico of the day is Harry Puter from Indonesia.
OMG, with the new Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 movie that was just released, it was wonderful to bump into our own Pico "Harry Puter". At first he was resisting my charm, but after a while he had no choice but to give in. LOL, it never fails, A BIG smile, always takes me a looong way ;)

Ohh Farizian, those gorgeous eyes of yours still haunt me. They were WIDE OPEN WINDOWS to your beautiful soul. :)

YAY! group picture, LOOOVE it.
My good friend Yori Chan:3 so kindly invited me to come over her room to check it out :) While there I got to meet Zero Kiyru^^ and Yuuki Cross^^, two of her wonderful friends. Thank you guys for making me feel sooo welcomed..... LoVe YoU :)

Cutie Picotutie りみ♪ is wearing the color of Heaven in her eyes very well. With those blue eyes and hair of gold, she looks like a Christmas Angel.

Sweet ƒrεsh เฟรช, Picolly and I decided to take a small nap before continuing with our Christmas fun. Don't we look like two sweet cupcakes in the middle of Beginner's Plaza?

OK, my SWEET-ROCKER LØVE♥ƧSTRUCK and I had the most interesting encounter. When we both saw each other, we assumed we were these sweet girls ;) but after we started rocking away, we discovered each other's wild side....LOL!

SaNtA BaBy, I'vE BeEn A REAL GoOd GiRl.... TRUST ME ;)
But our Pico Santa ☆トシ☆ didn't believe me and just walked away :( Can someone please tell
☆トシ☆ that YES, sweet_mom has been good for goodness sake.
BTW: I know I haven't done my mingle for a while, and to all of you that have been asking me if I am no longer going to do this section....GOOD NEWS :) YES, "Mingle With My Picos" is still in the agenda, it's just that I got behind with my blog work due to me being sick. :(
Fortunately, I know how much you LOOOVE mingling with me that I will keep doing it everyday. I'll be featuring 3-4 Picos each day :)
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