Dear friends, I am disobeying my doctors orders of staying in bed and not worrying about anything, but last night I received very sad news that I would like to share with you.
I was informed that Mateo had past away hours earlier yesterday.
Mateo was an exceptional man, always kind and with the biggest heart ever. I had never met anyone like him. He was on his early 30's. He leaves behind three sons. His oldest is three years old and his youngest is less than two weeks old. Also he leaves behind his wonderful wife LUCY.
Mateo had been battling Cancer for some years already, and yesterday, CANCER unfortunately beat him.
Let me take you back to the time he was told he had cancer.
Mateo and Lucy met while attending college and instantly fell in love. They both had many things in common, especially their love and faith for GOD. Everything about them was based on God and doing well for others.
Mateo proposed to Lucy, and soon they were engaged. They happily started with their wedding preparations.
While all this was happening Mateo started feeling tired and sick. He went to the doctor and two weeks prior to the wedding, he was informed that he had cancer and was given six months to live. Mateo and Lucy were so much in love and decided to put everything in God's hands and went on with the wedding. Unbelievably none of the people that attended their wedding new about Mateo's cancer. Only close family were informed.
As time pass, they wished for children , but knowing the outcome they didn't know what to do. However their faith in God was so big, they once again left it in God's hands. Soon they were blessed with the news of the arrival of their first child.
We all prayed that Mateo lived long enough to at least be there for the birth of his child. God in His immense glory, not only gave him enough life to see his child be born, but blessed them with a second child.
Mateo started creating memories for his two sons, so they would have something special of him when he was gone.
Mateo went under harsh treatments but NEVER complain of pain or feeling sick. He ALWAYS had a smile on his face, even though he was pail as a white sheet of paper and had lost most of his weight.
And once again God blessed them with a third pregnancy. This time however Mateo seemed to be on his lowest point, but his faith in God made him strong and gave him the will to keep fighting.
His third son was born less than two weeks ago, he got to carry him and take many pictures with him too.
Sadly, last night, he no longer could fight his illness and surrounded by his family, he peacefully died while everyone prayed the Rosary. The amazing thing is that at the time he was praying with them and slowly left to be with God
Matoe had accepted God's will since the beginning and never complained to God for letting this happened to him.
Mateo and Lucy are the perfect example of what God' wants and expects from a marriage and as human beings
Please pray for Mateo, his wife Lucy, his three sons, his sisters and brother, and for his MOM, imagine loosing a child ,it is very hard. I saw my own mother go through that pain and it was one of the hardest things to experience.
Pray for his grandparents and for all the people that were close to him.
My friends, have you ever heard that saying that says, "live each day like if it was your last", I tell you TREAT each person as if it was their last day to live. Would you treat them any differentaly? would you tell them how you feel for them ? Would you forgive them or ask for forgivnes? Please don't wait till is too late...
Mateo I love you and you are truly the most amazing person I know... for you will alway live in my heart.
:'( I bet he's a much better Mateo than the Mateo in my class. ._.
ReplyDeleteHey i am sure that he is having a peacefull afterlife in heaven R.I.P.