Early morning on August 28, I was up and dressed in my new red dress and ready to attend the wedding of the year here in Pico. I couldn’t miss this wonderful event for the world- my dear friend ![[ChOl0]]! was getting married to the beautiful nom2.
The ceremony was held at ![[ChOl0]]!’s place and as I arrived I realized that getting into the third room wasn’t going to be easy. There was a waiting list of 12 people trying to get in. ![[ChOl0]]!, being the #1 romantic man that I know, had built the most breathtaking church in the third room to marry his bride. It reminded me of the Taj Mahal, (The greatest monument of love). ![[ChOl0]]!’s church reflected his immense love for nom2 as well.

Finally I made it in…![[ChOl0]]! and nom2 lovingly received me and I couldn’t help but notice how amazing they both looked in their wedding attire. I was sincerely happy to be able to witness their loving union. As a true romantic, I couldn’t help but cry during the ceremony for I too felt their love for each other. The ceremony was performed by the priest pedro pending.

After the ceremony we were all invited to attend the reception which was held at nom2’s room. There, we all joyfully celebrated the wonderful event.

It was a very memorable day for everyone that attended their wedding. Some of their distinguished guest were ...
- Bestman - @Mikel
- God father - [onsc]Pulube
- Bible holder - Winmel
- Special soldier - hiex,
- Singer - YURI,
- Flower girl - [[rhain]]!
- Bridesmaids - Taisetsu, DEOKRAIN, RainDrops, Tamiz, Ehm, Ihexie and Zen Master
I sincerely apologize if I am leaving anyone out.

Finally I want to thank @Mikel, the best man, for keeping me company during the wedding,but most of all …THANK YOU my dear ![[ChOl0]]! and nom2 for making me feel like a very special part of your wedding day !
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