My Pico of the day is emphing! This cutie picotutie was dancing alone at Park Pond and when I joined him, he didn't shy away but warmly greeted me and recognized me from Pico Perfect Blog :)

OHHH my dear Lady Beati, she is really awsome, I love her to death. This is the second time I ever bump into her and both times she's just been a real sweetheart. I would loooooove to interview her for an article,
I hope she accepts =)

Andrea Hirata, another very friendly Pico. She is the kind of girl that will aproach you and start a conversation even if she doesn't know who you are

My sweet lovely passion, so kind and friendly , you can't help feeling the warmth of her personality :)

intannca, now here we have a new fresh Pico. It would be nice if you make time to go ring her bell, post a welcome message on her board and leave her a balloon. We have to make her feel the love :)

My friend Genokerokero really wanted to hurt me. He even went to Chaulin Temple to buy more Renkan-Ken actions to fight me.
LOL... just kidding, we had a great time =)

Diana RZ with that outfit I don't know if she was cold but she was definately COOL to hang with. We had alot of fun together!

Lovely Lithing, so elegant and sexy. She should be on my next post of well-dressed Picos. She was SUPER nice to me and SUPER sweet :)

Sugar Baby and Alicekun were the team to hang around with for some crazy fun! We danced, cheered , tackle each other, etc.... you get the idea. We started at one side of Beginners Plaza and ended on the other.
I LOOOOOOOOVE Sugar Baby's new outfit, I am sooooo jealous. Hopefully
mr. bibo can get me Ameba Gold soon :( She looks amazing in her new clothes!

Finally on a sad note :( Wednesday night I attended an event. It was a farewell for our Pico friend DJ Bo Bo. She told me she was leaving Pico so she can better focus on her job and get a BOYFRIEND in real life.
Good luck my girl... hope you find everything you are looking for, but if you ever decide to come back, the doors to PICO are wide open for you =)
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