Cutie Picotutie ☜GHOSTHUNTER☞ is my Pico of the day. He is one of my newest buddies. My new friend is VERY polite and sweet and always seems to be happy to see me :) LoVe You!

I noticed sweet ♥PrincessChan♥ dancing by herself at Beginners Plaza. When I joined her she greeted me with the sweetest smile :). We continued to Hula dance for a while before she disappeared into thin air to go ring my room.
BTW: Her outfit is ADORABLE!!!

Now here is a BUNCH of great friends to hang around with if you want to have a great time! Happy Clover, Lala Cullen♡ and Taufikq are soooo much fun. We danced and cheered away with no worries whatsoever.
My beautiful friend Lala Cullen♡, after seeing my outfit, changed hers right away to match mine :)

officerjustin is such the character. You want to show him respect but with his fun ways you just lose the serious face and can't help going crazy with him... LOL!

My sweet, sweet Chiikawaii. I sat next to her and she started feeding me until I got full. Her generosity didn't stop with me, she continued to share her food with many other Picos. =)

Now here is another girl that looooves to dance. Cham3r<3 seems to get those tickles on her feet and can't stop dancing JUST LIKE ME :)

Our cutie Picotutie 麻呂丹 spent the whole time sleeping at the park. I kept trying to wake him up, BUT NOTHING :( He really missed on alot of fun.

Now why is it that I always find Picos ready to fight me >:( Suzuki Tom seemed to be waiting for me at Beginners Plaza because as soon as he saw me all hell broke loose. Don't worry, I ended up kicking his butt...LOL...jk. He is a sweetheart :)

WELCOME TO PICO Tarus Ho =). Hope you have a great time and make many friends.

A few weeks ago I was alone at Park Pond feeling a little under the weather :( when suddenly My_Kel16 and takuya hazuno joined me. We had a great conversation while they shared their food with me. When I left I was feeling much better. Thank you guys!
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