My Pico of the day is FGOjUmBoHoTDoG!
I attended an event he had at his place, and as soon as I saw him I was attracted to him. At first he scared me a little bit. But after he started talking to him, he just melted my heart away :) He tried different outfits for me, But the one on the picture above we both agreed was his best one.
Isn't my new friend scarely georgeous :)

"Sooo, what do you say cinol... we toss a coin to see who gets it?
Believe or not we both stood in front of that cupcake for a while, until he let me have it. "Thanks cinol, you are a real gentleman :)"

These three lovely ladies held an awesome event. People were in "AWWW" when they would see them. I really do not know which is the most beautiful one. I really think Nenek Surlp, widodo-tongtin and orang sinting are three of the most beautiful Picos I have seen =)

On this day I got to meet a queen. Our beautiful friend ★紫紗☆姫系★ was at the same event I was and she was very kind and friendly to me. Check out her fiinpicoland blog , its awsome !

Now Vampire Murk伯爵 says he's got "BLUE BLOOD OF ROYAL PICO", I don't know if that's the reason why he doesn't talk to anyone :( I tried to make him laugh by telling him knock-knock jokes... but nothing. For a moment there I thought he was no longer with us, but then I saw him blink and knew he was stll alive... LOL!

Now my beautiful girl Casney is really into purple, even her cat is purple. I met her at GIRA's room the other day and let me tell you, not only is her Pico beautiful but her attitude towards others as well =)

Rebex, where should I start with this one? She stormed into my room and immediataly brighten my WHOLE DAY with her cheerful attitude. We danced and cheered and ended up changing into our cheerleading outfits. When I saw that we were going for different teams, I thought the fun had ended. Luckly she didn't even noticed :)

Our friend L'Heure Bleue came to visit me accompanied by her can Munchkin very lovely and elegant as always. She told me she is one of my biggest fans...What an Honor! :). We spent some time talking and getting to know each other better and soon other of her friends joined us. I really enjoyed their company. They came by when I needed a friend the most...Thanks :)

GUESS WHAT??? I was fortunate enough to see the same great Pico twice on the same day! Remember Queen ★紫紗☆姫系★? Well, who would have known that she would be honoring me with her visit to my humble room later that day, but this time she came as LADY GAGA.... my little monster, I LoVe YoU :)

Now who doesn't know the beautiful and lovely ☆Bells☆ from Bells Chibilicous Picotime! I am very fortunate to have her as a close friend of mine. She is a true loyal friend that stands by me no matter what. "thank you sooo much for such beautiful friendship, love you!"

You have to admit it chui* looks sooo darn cute in that outfit! she's really got a good thing going on there :)

"Really for me... How did you know I love red roses?" Thanks, than you can have one of my pom-poms :)
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