Today I realized that EVERYTHING in my life is starting to become clearer to me. My eyes are no longer just seeing the darkness that my DEPRESSION brings upon my HAPPY LIFE , but I am learning HOW I can now hold on tight to all the WONDERFUL colors in life and NOT fall back into despair and anguish.
I am slowly eliminating all those little things that seemed to make my world fall apart. Things that were so small and yet I allowed them to OVERPOWER my being.
I no longer want to carry this NEGATIVE feelings of SADNESS, LONELINESS, FEAR, HOPELESSNESS and WORTHINESS on my shoulder, but slowly I will start eliminating them ONE by ONE until I am TOTALLY FREE OF THEM :)
Today is a good day to start LETTING GO of any negative feelings you might be caring on your shoulders. Will you join me in this battle of letting go?

Mimi1322 ๑◕ܫ◕๑ and I met at Beginner's Plaza, when I noticed her STUNNING outfit and I approached her for a picture. Luckily for me, she turned out to be a BIG fan of Pico Perfect Blog :) She immediately invited LenzO39 to join us. As soon as he arrived I recognized him from one of my previous "PROFILES" posts. We had the greatest time just dancing and hanging around.
I LOOOVE IT ❤ when I bump into my fans and old friends.... actually I LOOOVE IT ❤ when I bump into FRIENDLY Picos ❀

My little buddy ♫ яOck ѕтaя ♫ is sooo darn cute that all I wanted to do was pinch those cheeks of his, but instead, I had to settle for just a dance. Oh well, I LOOOVE dancing anyways♪♬
"Please sweetie say hi to your parents for me"✿
Til tomorrow, have you decided to join me? Remember these negative feelings apply to HATE, ANGER, JEALOUSY, ENVY, LYING... ETC.
I Apologize for today's MINGLE being too short. I wanted to spend Thanksgiving with my family and didn't have too much time to go out there and MINGLE with you all BIG TIME....sorry :(
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