Written by: Vegemite
Hey, It's Vegemite again!
I would like to discuss the feelings of the past few days, which have been depressing for lots of Picos. A major earthquake and tsumnami has hit Japan, leaving people injured, and even more missing ... or even worse.
I have asked my friends to share their feelings about this awful disaster; one that has been a bombshell for all of us.
A special thanks to Richie Dagger, ☆chihiro☆, ♥ Bedazzle ♥ and ☜✙☞™Jαkєє™☜✙☞ for their thoughts on the difficult situation.Richie Dagger
Japan is in crisis. The country is devestated by all of the bad things that are happening. They are still facing many problems after the tsunami - like coping with losses of family and property. Right now, they are having problems with nuclear plants.
On March 11 around 2:46PM an 8.9 earthquake struck Japan. Then a 23-foot wall of water. Three of Japan's nuclear reactors are possibly going into meltdown; there has already been 3 reactor explosions. All people in a 30 kilometer area must stay indoors with their doors and windows locked or hey may suffer radiation related illnesses.
The whole situation makes me deeply depressed since I have many friends in Japan, but luckily they are all safe and alive.
Support Japan. Wear red-and-white and donate.
♥ Bedazzle ♥
What happened in Japan is a nightmare. It's very, very sad my heart goes out to all who have lost. Love.
I feel sad for Japan in this terrible disaster. The earthquake and tsumami are horrific. I want to help by donating a lot of money. So, help Japan out, maybe because it's a good thing maybe because it's part of Pico.
So if you feel sad about this, don't worry, others are too.
Would you like to express what's running through your mind as well? Please share your comments. Please be respectful. Inappropriate comments will be removed.
Photo Credit: header photo courtesy of Picostyle; used with permission.
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