Many of my closest friends are aware that the last weeks I spent in Pico I was feeling extremely lonely. It didn't matter how many people I was surrounded by. I could be in a "full" room and still I was faced with the harsh face of loneliness that made me feel invisible, misplaced and unwanted.
Please don't misunderstand me, I am very well known by many for being a woman that absolutely loves solitude. Since I was a child I learned to enjoy being alone, it is a huge part of my personality. But appreciating solitude and feeling lonely are two totally different things for me.

The quietness and peace that I get from those moments of solitude are priceless to me. These moments are the ones where I personally feel closer to God. Though I have chosen to continue my virtual journey alone, at least for the time being, I can honestly say, this "solo" time I have taken is a time that I will use to rediscover who I really am, what I want from life and myself and what direction I need my life to take, both realistic and virtually.
Still in my moments of solitude I do not feel alone. I always carry in my heart the many wonderful people that I so dearly love and that love me back :) I can be in the most isolated place in the galaxy, and still I can feel in my heart the loving embrace of my love ones.

Y.A.Y. Nature and Garden Supplies *Meeroos*, Cassarah: has been my virtual home these three last days in Second Life. I have explored the whole area and rested in every single spot where I have felt the beauty of peace. I chose this beautiful garden for its isolation and have only come across four people during my three day stay. Two, who were a loving couple so eager to be alone, they said a simple hi to me and off they went. Later I discovered them romantically dancing on the highest mountain in the park.
The third person I saw, was a very young girl that stopped to chat with me for a while. The first words that came out from her mouth when she saw me were, "Are you in love?",... But of course I am, I am in love with the world ;)
The last person that so pleasantly interrupted my "solo" journey with his presence was Luga Doherty from Peru. Now our encounter was a bit embarrassing. As I took a place on a sitting spot that was designated for couples only , I suddenly found myself in the arms of this gentleman who I hadn't noticed was there. Funny thing though was, we were both embarrassed but still we stayed as we were and started chatting away and before I left, he so kindly sent me a friendly request which I have accepted.

Now that I have explored every corner of this breathtaking park. I will be moving on to a new area in search of peace and self-discovery. Solitude has become my best friend, and the best place where I can find it is in nature, among the fields of flowers and the trees. These is where the beauty of nature offers me a soothing caress for my soul.
My dear friends, I ask that you also take a few minutes everyday in solitude. Use that special time to talk to God, to meditate or just to close your eyes and imagine yourself in a world of quietness and peace. You can do it from the comfort of your home. Close your eyes and treat yourself to moments of reflection and self-discovery. Finding inner peace is very necessary for the human soul to survive and just by taking a few minutes away from the world everyday, can be very beneficial to us. Refueling our spirits and hearts a daily dose of "my alone special time" is something we all need ;)
Super Love You XOXO
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