Ready ok
We're fired up, we're sizzlin'.
We're turning up the heat.
When it comes to football our team can't be beat!
Goooooooooo Picos!!!
GREAT...finally football season starts here in Pico =) Unfortunately in real life I am what you would consider a "football widow" :(

You can find awsome new cheer leading items at the High School Gym of the New York Acedemy.
Mr. bibo wanted me to get the blue cheerleader one because it goes with
I went with the red one... my favorite color :)

And for our guys they have the football gear, and these can also be found at the football field.
I wanted mr. bibo to get the football player outfit, but after getting me OREO (my new pet) and my cheerleader outfit, he was broke :(

While we were at the high school gym, we bumped into my newest buddy
Happy Clover, my poor friend he is still looking for Happy Oliver and is asking for our help.
Happy Clover is such a cutie Picotutie... isn't he?

Before I left with mr. bibo to the football field, I just had to take a last picture with my good friend, I just couldn't resist that smile....LOL

On our way out from the gym I saw ArtVenger on his shinny new scooter with Fumika眩い❀✿
Fumika眩い❀✿ and I had been doing cheer moves together. At first we couldn't time them perfect at the same time, but after a while we got the hang of it.
I am glad Coach McCallister didn't see ArtVenger riding that scooter all over the just polished gym floor or he would have probably gotten suspended.

Once we arrived to the PICO STADIUM, you could feel the excitment of the football fever.

I was eager to do my cheerleader jumps and cheers, when suddenly I bumped into another one of my cutie picotuties, Derpington. When I saw him at first, he wasn't wearing any clothes, but as soon as I asked him where they were, he istantly changed into one of his best outfits.... just for me :) Thanks cutie.

During the football game I was showing off to my husband my new learned skills... CHEERLEADING !!!
Ernesto pata was sitting at the bleachers and kept insisting to be his girlfriend. He wouldn't take no for an answer. The only thing left for me to do was introduce him to my hubby "mr. bibo". Poor Ernesto pata he was heartbroken :(

During the game Asry (^_^) score many touchdowns for our Pico team. He was definately the MVP of the day.
I was fortunate enought to take a picture with him after the game ;)

Once the game was over, I still had so much energy left in me and continued cheering to mr. bibo which he found very ENTERTAINING if you know what I mean ;D

Once the crowd starting leaving, we found the perfect spot under a tree to spend a few romantic minutes alone before heading back home.

Guess who we saw on our way out of the stadium.... OMG....No! not God, but his son :) This is definately be the greatest game ever!
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