Hello Pico players!
The Pico Perfect blog would like to know how your spend your money in Pico - specifically when it comes to buying Ameba Gold and spinning Premium AG Gacha.
We are hoping 100 people will respond to the survey before May 15, 2011.
Let's get started!
This poll is made up of 8 simple questions; you will be required to answer them all to complete the survey. It should take 5 minutes to fill out from start to finish.
In each question you can freely share more details to explain your choices, preferences and opinions.
This is an anonymous poll. You will not be asked to share your real name or your Pico ID. Please bear in mind that the results and some of the comments will be published here on Pico Perfect in a follow-up post.
This is a great idea! I hope you don't mind that I linked this post to my blog ^.^