Why do so many people think they are ALWAYS right. That what they say or do, is THE RIGHT THING. Can't they just admit it that they are HUMAN just like anyone else and are most likely to make mistakes too. PLEASE PEOPLE, open your eyes. WE ARE NOT PERFECT! We can try though, but still once in a while we WILL be wrong. Accept when you are wrong and don't feel like you have the right to go crushing other people's spirits just because you are riding on your HIGH HORSES. Learn to listen to others, you might even learn a thing or two ;) Learn to apologize, when you know you are wrong, learn to accept that other people have as much potential as you do to do WONDERFUL things too. ENJOY BEING HUMAN instead of PERFECT.

My Pico Of The Day Is ☜✿SammyPie✿☞ from Australia!
OH poor ☜✿SammyPie✿☞, she had NO idea what was going on. She was patrolling the streets in DownTown New York (you see she is a police woman and with the Christmas holidays , unfortunately crime has gone up) when Dark Love ๖ۣۜ♥ and I bumped into her. Since my boy and I are low in cash , we decided to "BORROW" some money from her without her knowing ;) While I distracted her with my conversation, Dark Love ๖ۣۜ♥ went for her back pocket (there's where she keeps her AG). But being as smart as she is, she caught
Dark Love ๖ۣۜ♥ red handed....LOL
JK :D CRIME doesn't pay!
Our good friend ☜✿SammyPie✿☞ is a HUGE fan of our blog that she was inspired to make her own SammyPie's SugarLand Blog
OH poor ☜✿SammyPie✿☞, she had NO idea what was going on. She was patrolling the streets in DownTown New York (you see she is a police woman and with the Christmas holidays , unfortunately crime has gone up) when Dark Love ๖ۣۜ♥ and I bumped into her. Since my boy and I are low in cash , we decided to "BORROW" some money from her without her knowing ;) While I distracted her with my conversation, Dark Love ๖ۣۜ♥ went for her back pocket (there's where she keeps her AG). But being as smart as she is, she caught
Dark Love ๖ۣۜ♥ red handed....LOL
JK :D CRIME doesn't pay!
Our good friend ☜✿SammyPie✿☞ is a HUGE fan of our blog that she was inspired to make her own SammyPie's SugarLand Blog

I hear SPANISH, and I am there... LOL! And that is exactly what attracted me to our friend Demi Alexander. I also LOOOVE her smile, it brings AMAZINGLY out the apples on her cheeks :D

OK, Here I go again with the eyes. I know, and as I mention it before, I lOVE EYES... and mustaches too :P ... LOL Eyes are the windows to a human's soul and Michalena's Eyes are some of the MOST beautiful eyes EVERRRR! They seem to be looking at GOD†

Cutie Picotutie mami-☆ looks fresh as a daisy! I had gone to help clean up the Pirate ship when I bumped into her. I was feeling DULL and PASTY, but with her beautiful smile she really turned my day around :) I tell you, a SMILE can do miracles!
Til tomorrow, don't be too judgemental of others... we are all just "HUMAN" on this earth ;)
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