Friday, February 11, 2011

Mingle With My Picos

PHOTO LOCATION; Pinky-Lolipop's Room ROOM SIZE; 12X12

When my son and daughter were little, I used to tell them that I had asked God for the two most beautiful and sweetest angels in Heaven, and as God looked among His angels, they both stood out from all the rest. Don't get me wrong, this is a FACT for all the parents. We all got the PERFECT and BEST little angels, each one of us ;)

I said to them, "you come into this life with a WHITE (meaning PURE) heart and mind and every time you choose to do something bad your WHITENESS gets a little black dot. We do not want to make your WHITENESS look like a Dalmatian pup. Dalmatians are cute but your WHITENESS it's cuter if it's kept clean. Life will be full of temptation and you must be strong."

So far, I am very proud to say that my kids have followed my advice and are growing up beautifully. They are kind and caring and their way of thinking many times astonishes me due to their young age. I can't say their WHITENESS is 100% clean. I bet there are a few tiny black dots here and there but, hey, we are all human and we are entitled to make "BY MISTAKE" wrong choices. However, I know that they work hard in keeping the Dalmatian out of their Whiteness every day. :)

My pico of the day is Li-Channy!

While visiting one of the Japanese Parks, I noticed a very special Pico, that as soon as she walked in, she started saying hi (bowing) to every person that was there. This sweet girl went out of her way by making sure she didn't missed anyone. I was so touched by her beautiful action that I started following her and though I had a hard time catching her in a still position to take this picture, it was worth the chase.
Most Picos ignored her, probably due to being too busy in their own "WORLD". Just a few acknowledge her greeting and returned it in the same matter.

My dear Picos, let us not be so caught up in our own world and isolate ourselves from the rest of humanity.
I guarantee you, that if we leave an "OPEN WINDOW" to what's going on around us, everyday we will find beautiful moments created by other people that will touch our hearts and put a smile in our faces.

I noticed sweet Rika-chan from Italy standing by herself at Park Pond and immediately I felt the need to go over to her and keep her company. She very friendly greeted me and even though we didn't exchange a single word, using various friendly "ACTIONS" were enough to have a good time !

Next time you see someone standing alone, why not go up to them and keep them company even for a couple of minutes. You never know... that could turn out to be your next "BEST FRIEND".

ricoo ™, ricoo ™, ricoo ™ from Malaysia!!!
Where do I start with this interesting character? I noticed ricoo ™ as soon as he walked into the Japanese Park due to his CUTE and ODD look. And let me tell you, our friend was probably very hungry, because as soon as someone put out some food, ricoo ™ was there, he could smell the food from a mile away, LOL.

BTW; I want to thank all those wonderful Picos that feed me and Catero when they see us out there.

Miss little quenn was sitting at Park Pond sharing her food with the many Picos present at the time. When I approached her to eat some of the food she had so kindly placed out for me, she immediately stood up and greeted me with a gracious "BOW". After thanking her for her kindness, she honored me by sending a Buddy Request. Adding kind and respectful friendly Picos to my Buddy List is always a great joy!

Unfortunately, at this time my buddy list is full. However I am saving ALL the buddy requests I been getting lately for the future. I will be "UPDATING" my Buddy List sometime soon ;)

Last but not least, we have our friend The Hound from Madagascar owner of FranHound Blog.
I had the pleasure of meeting The Hound long time ago, and always found him mysteriously interesting, but never had the opportunity to get to know him better as I did the other night when Catero and I bumped into him. The Hound was very generous and kept feeding Catero and me until we were completely full while holding a very interesting conversation with the both of us.... WHAT A GUY!!! ;)

Remember, if we take the time to get to know someone better, usually we can get to have a better RELATION or FRIENDSHIP with them.

Til next time, it is never too late to clean your "WHITENESS". Keeping the Dalmation out of it is easier than what you think. Start by making the right choices by using your heart everytime instead of being so weak and choosing an easier and careless path.

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